If you’re looking for healthy vegetarian recipes that your kids will love, look no further than these delicious meals. Not only are they packed with nutrients and flavor, but they’re also easy to prepare and kid-approved!

Healthy Vegetarian Recipes for Kids: Delicious Meals They'll Love


  • 1 pound whole grain pasta noodles
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups assorted vegetables (such as broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes, sliced bell peppers)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the cheese sauce:
– 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
– 3 cups unsweetened almond milk
– 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
– 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
– Pinch of nutmeg
– Salt and pepper to taste

Optional toppings:
– Fresh herbs such as parsley or basil.
– Grated Parmesan cheese.


  1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions until al dente. Drain well and set aside.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the onions and cook for about five minutes until softened.

  3. Add the garlic and sauté for another minute.

  4. Add any vegetables that require longer cooking time such as broccoli florets or carrots first; then add bell peppers toward end so it remains crispy.

  5. Sprinkle some salt & black pepper on top of veggies while cooking.

6.In a separate pot, whisk together flour & almond milk.

7.Bring it up high heat & continue whisking until bubbles start appearing.

8.Reduce heat once boiling has started & keep stirring

9.Add mustard powder,cayenne pepper ,nutmeg,&smoked paprika

10.Once thickness reached required level ,turn off stove

11.Mix lovingly cooked veggie mixture into cheese sauce

12.Pour the cheese sauce over the cooked pasta and stir gently to coat.

13.Add any optional toppings as desired, such as fresh herbs or grated Parmesan cheese.

Cooking Time & Temperature Guidelines

  • Pasta cooking time: approximately 10 minutes
  • Vegetables usually sauteed on Medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes. The Cheese Sauce ingredients are added in a separate pot.
  • Cheese Sauce should be boiled after adding ingredients while stirring continuously.

My Pro-tips

  • Prepare all vegetables before starting to cook so that you don’t have to rush during cooking.
  • If the kids don’t like chunky veggies, blend them into the sauce which will add nutrients plus it won’t even feel like they’re eating vegetables!
  • Tossing bread crumbs with olive oil will give your final dish an interesting crunchy layer at top of baked casserole

Seasoning Options

Experiment with different spices and herbs that your children may prefer. Here are some ideas:
– A sprinkle of red pepper flakes for some spice
– Dried oregano for Italian flavor
– Cumin powder and coriander seeds combo

Recommended Tools to Make this Recipe

1.Large Pot or Bain Marie filled up till half way mark with boiling water
2.Medium-sized pan (to simmer veggie chunks)
3.Small-sized pot (for making cheese sauce)
4.Wooden spoon(for constant stirring of Cheese mixture)
5.A whisk(It helps evenly dissolve flour in milk mixtures)

To sum Up: This vegetarian pasta recipe is perfect for kids who want something tasty and nutritious! The creamy, cheesy goodness combined with assorted flavors makes it an excellent choice for lunchboxes or dinner-time meals. Don’t forget to customize according to your child’s preferences by adjusting seasoning options or portion sizes.


Q: Are vegetarian diets safe and healthy for kids?
A: Yes, vegetarian diets can be both safe and healthy for kids if they are well-planned to ensure that children get all the necessary nutrients, such as protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12. Vegetarianism can offer many health benefits when planned correctly by reducing the risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes among others.

Q: What are some high-protein vegetarian sources for kids?
A: There are several excellent plant-based sources of protein that can help meet a child’s daily requirements. Some good options include lentils, beans (such as black beans or kidney beans), chickpeas (used in hummus), tofu or tempeh). Whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice also contain some amount of protein.

Q: How do I get my picky eater to try new vegetables?
A: Picky eaters might require a little more creativity to encourage them to try new things. It is important not to pressure children into trying something they don’t want; it will only lead them further away from eating it eventually.

Here are some tips:

    Involve your child in meal planning and grocery shopping so that they feel invested in what they’re eating.
    Encourage your child to take one bite during each mealtime ensuring that you praise and reward their effort regardless of whether they end up liking the food or not.
    Experiment with different cooking methods like roasting or steaming because this could change the texture which could be more pleasing
    to their taste buds.

Overall approach is trying different approaches until you find what works best for your own child’s palate!