Looking for inspiration on vegetarian slow cooker recipes? Check out these 10 delicious and effortless dishes that are perfect either for meal preparation or weeknight dinners. Keep reading to learn how to make savory mushroom stroganoff, heartwarming lentil soup, and more.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

This compilation of vegetarian slow cooker recipes is not only simple to prepare but also packed with flavor and nutrition. By using affordable components available at Aldi stores, you can feed your family healthy yet inexpensive meals throughout the week.

Ingredient List

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 4 cups of vegetable broth
  • 1 cup lentils (any color)
  • 1 large carrot peeled and diced
    (continue the list)

How To Make This Recipe

Follow these easy steps:
1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
2. Cook the onion and garlic until softened then transfer them into a crockpot/slow cooker.
3. Add all other ingredients according to their measurements listed above.
4. Cover the crockpot/slow cooker before turning it on low for six hours or high for four hours.

Once cooking is complete:

  1. Remove bay leaves from pot using an immersion blender or by transferring soup into blender/food processor creating smooth consistency.


Cooking Time & Temperature Guidelines

The recommended cooking time is around six hours on low or four hours on high.

My Pro-tips

For additional protein, add chickpeas/black beans towards end of cooking!
Substitute similar veggies based off your preferred taste!

Seasoning Options

Add salt & pepper according to taste preference at home!

## Recipe Tips
“Measure twice cook once” Don’t forget! It will save you time prevent any unwanted outcome.

Recommended Tools to Make this Recipe

-Slow cooker: make sure it’s the right size for your family!
-Immersion blender: has an easy cleanup!

To Sum Up

This flavorful lentil soup is easy to prepare in a slow cooker with just few simple ingredients. It not only provides protein and fiber but also budget-friendly, perfect for meal preparation or weeknight dinners.


What type of vegetarian recipes can I find in the “10 Easy Vegetarian Crockpot Recipes from Aldi” article?

Answer: The article features ten different vegetarian recipes that can be made using a slow cooker or crockpot. Some of the recipes include: lentil soup, black bean chili, vegetable stew, and macaroni and cheese. They are all easy to prepare and use affordable ingredients that can be found at Aldi.

Can I make substitutions to the ingredients in these slow cooker recipes?

Answer: Yes, you can definitely make substitutions based on your dietary preferences or ingredient availability. For example, if a recipe calls for sweet potatoes but you have regular potatoes on hand instead, feel free to use those instead. If you want to add more protein to a recipe than what is indicated in the original recipe (like tofu), then you should add it based on your tasting preference.

How long do I need to cook these slow cooker vegetarian meals before they’re ready?

Answer: Each recipe will have specific cooking times provided in the article along with instructions for preparation so ensure it’s cooked through properly without overcooking them as well . Most crockpots typically take 6-8 hours on low heat or 4-5 hours on high heat settings depending on your desired outcome/satisfaction.

I hope this helps!